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  View Print - The Kircher Farm
  Print Details:
Title: The Kircher Farm
Artist: Anita Shikles
Description: The Kircher Farm is located in Cass County, Mo. The Kirchers were the first farm in the County to put in an overhead irrigation system. This irrigation system makes it possible to water 40 acreas of crops in one revolution.
Date Created: 10/06/2008
View Count: 3544
Pop. Index: 0.00
  Order Information:
Action Size Material Price
Order Print 11 x 14 Paper $75.00 
Order Print 11 x 14 Canvas $110.00 
Order Print 16 x 20 Paper $125.00 
Order Print 16 x 20 Canvas $175.00 
Order Print 18 x 24 Paper $175.00 
Order Print 18 x 24 Canvas $225.00 
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