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  View Print - Winter Night
  Print Details:
Title: Winter Night
Artist: Anita Shikles
Description: This painting has children playing in the snow at night, and has the warmth of the home waiting for them to return. The core of the painting is inside a border that resembles a mat.
Date Created: 06/19/2006
View Count: 4158
Pop. Index: 64.21
  Order Information:
Action Size Material Price
Order Print 11 x 14 Paper $75.00 
Order Print 11 x 14 Canvas $110.00 
Order Print 16 x 20 Paper $125.00 
Order Print 16 x 20 Canvas $175.00 
Order Print 18 x 24 Paper $175.00 
Order Print 18 x 24 Canvas $225.00 
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