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  View Print - Grandma Lake's Family Picnic
  Print Details:
Title: Grandma Lake's Family Picnic
Artist: Anita Shikles
Description: This farmhouse was located in Avoca, Arkansas, and was owned by Lula Lake during the 1950's and 1960's. On Sunday afternoons, family would come for dinner, and sit around the old tree in the back yard.
Date Created: 10/08/2008
View Count: 6533
Pop. Index: 0.00
  Order Information:
Action Size Material Price
Order Print 11 x 14 Paper $75.00 
Order Print 11 x 14 Canvas $110.00 
Order Print 16 x 20 Paper $125.00 
Order Print 16 x 20 Canvas $175.00 
Order Print 18 x 24 Paper $175.00 
Order Print 18 x 24 Canvas $225.00 
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